SDI-12 Rain Gauge Interface TBSRGC1/2
The TBSRGC1/2 is a 2 x 1.5V AA alkaline battery powered converter to equip tipping bucket rain gauges with data logging capability and SDI-12 interface.
The TBSRGC1/2 has been designed to work with any type of tipping bucket rain gauge with switch output. The TBSRGC1/2 has a real time clock, programmable via extended SDI-12 commands. It is easy to install and easy to configure. The TBSRGC1/2 is mounted in an IP67 housing from Fibox. Additional connectivity points enable distribution of SDI-12 cables to other sensors if required. The converter is equipped with two PG grommets by default. It can be customized with additional grommets or equipped with IP67 connectors upon inquiry.
The TBSRGC1 is equipped with a single input, the TBSRGC2 offers a dual input.
- SDI-12 interface
- 2x AA battery powered
- Real time clock/calendar
- Data logging
- Ultra Low power consumption
- IP67 housing - FIBOX PC081206
- IP67 air pressure balance vent
- Size 80 x 120 x 57 mm
- Rugged design
- Simple installation
- Operating Temperature Range: -40°C - +85°C
Target Application
- Meteorology
- Agricultural monitoring
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